The rush to shore up balance sheets follows an unprecedented expansion in credit in 2009 during which Chinese banks issued double the volume of new loans from the previous year. 涌现这股旨在充实资本的融资潮之前,中国各银行在2009年进行了规模空前的信贷扩张,全年新发放贷款比上年翻了一倍。
Credit Management Handbook offers the credit grantor a comprehensive volume of guideline information that includes examples of problem situations and appropriate solutions. 《信用管理手册》为信用工作人员提供内容全面的指导方法,包括问题出现的情况和正确的解决办法。
At Credit Suisse, a big participant in electronic equities, automated trading accounts for more than 90 per cent of volume but just 42 per cent of revenues. 在电子化股票交易的重要参与者瑞士信贷(creditsuisse),自动化交易占其交易总量的90%以上,但仅占其总收入的42%。
Furthermore, the control policy is discussed in the presence of the trade credit with the constraints on budget and volume of warehouse etc. 进而,我们又讨论了商业信贷条件下受流动资金、仓库容量等约束的一类库存控制问题。
Account receivable caused by credit is a double-blade sword because it improve sales volume and profit as well as bring about risks and cost for enterprises. 因赊销行为引起的应收账款是一把双刃剑,它在提高销售额和增加利润的同时,也会给企业带来风险和成本。
In order to improve its competitive ability and expand the market share, the small-sized enterprises increase sales volume with commercial credit, yet the volume of accounts receivable is also on the rise. 小企业为了提高竞争能力,扩大市场份额,一方面借助商业信用来增加销售收入,另一方面其应收账款数额也与日俱增。
As a policy-oriented insurance, Export Credit Insurance ( ECI) provides economic security to the export and foreign investment of domestic enterprises, aiming at enlarging trade volume and exploiting overseas markets. 作为一个政策工具,出口信用保险以鼓励本国企业扩大出口,开拓国外市场为出发点,对本国企业的出口和对外投资提供经济保障。
The transform and innovation of credit institution can effectively beat credit-breaking, improve the transaction volume and speed up the process of market economy by internalizing the potential increase in income induced by externality, risk and transaction cost. 通过信用制度变革与创新,使外部性、风险和交易成本所引起的收入的潜在增加内在化,可以有效地打击失信行为的动机,同时提高整个社会的信用交易量,推动经济发展。
The specialties of the credit capital of our country are the large volume of the bad assets, especially lacking of the mechanism to prevent the new credit asset becoming bad asset, which means cannot control the bad asset efficiently. 目前,我国商业银行的信贷资产的特点是:不良资产存量大,尤其是缺乏制约新增贷款成为不良贷款的机制,不良资产尚未得到有效的控制。
Marx has studied about the credit of the capitalism and credit system in the fifth chapter of volume three of Das Kapital, and has systematically explained the origin of credit and credit positive roles and negative influences to capitalist production. 马克思在《资本论》第三卷第五篇中对资本主义的信用及信用制度进行了研究,系统阐述了信用的起源、信用对资本主义生产的积极作用和消极影响。
The credit card business in China is the rapid development of all commercial banks issuing volume, spending a substantial increase in an increasingly competitive market. 当前我国信用卡业务飞速发展,各商业银行发卡量、消费额大幅增加,市场竞争日益激烈。
Real estate prices with money supply, credit volume, and gross national product also have positive cointegration relationship. 房地产价格和货币供应量、信贷总量、以及国民生产总值之间也存在正向的协整关系。
This thesis, with a macroscopic view and qualitative analysis methods, discusses precautions of credit risk comprehensively and probes into the steering and specific policies, the situations inside and outside banks as well as the increment and stock credit volume. 本文侧重从宏观的角度,采用定性分析的方法,从指导策略到具体对策,从银行外部到内部,从增量到存量,对我国信贷风险的防范问题进行深入、系统的探讨。
But with the adjustment of national housing purchase, land and bank credit and other related policies, house prices fell, trading volume decreased obviously, which will lead to the real estate enterprises to reshuffle. 但随着国家调整房屋购买、土地出让以及银行信贷等相关政策,各地房价回落,成交量有明显下降趋势,这将导致房地产企业的重新洗牌。
Factoring in international trade settlement way the proportion of more and more high, according to statistics, international factoring in global trade settlement, the share has more than 60% of the exceed credit volume. 保理业务在国际贸易结算方式中所占的比例越来越高,据统计,国际保理在全球贸易结算中的份额已超过60%,超过信用证的业务量。
Credit default swap is a kind of off-balance sheet derivative financial instruments for financial institutions which are used to manage credit risk. Credit default swaps have become the largest trading volume products of credit derivatives. 信用违约互换是金融机构进行信用风险管理的表外工具,是信用衍生品种交易量最大的产品。
Credit Card behavioral score huge amount of data, the national joint-stock bank credit card issuing volume of 10 million level. 信用卡行为评分数据量庞大,全国性股份制银行的信用卡发卡量在千万级别。